Ear Reduction/ Otoplasty Sydney

Prominent ears are a common congenital problem which can vary from mild to severe, and they can often be quite asymmetrical. The underlying anatomical cause of the prominence can vary and this to a large extent will dictate the type of surgery required to address this issue.


Request a Consultation with Dr Dona

Dr Eddy Dona has been a specialist plastic surgeon since 2007, and is a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. From your first clinic visit, and throughout your surgical journey, Dr Dona and his team will be there to make it as smooth as possible.
Get in touch with our clinic to request a consultation with Dr Eddy Dona

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Prominent ears can affect just one ear, or more commonly both. The developmental problems that cause the prominence are varied, and the underlying problem determines exactly what surgery is required to create a more pleasing looking ear. Typically, there are two main causes:

• A prominent conchal bowl, otherwise known as cup of the ear.

• A poorly developed or unfolding of the antihelical fold can create a significant prominence.

Some patients have a combination of these two problems.


Otoplasty is best performed when the child is old enough to understand the procedure and why it’s being done. Additionally, if a child is too young their ear cartilage is too soft and thin to surgically manage. An ideal age is not until they are at least 8 years old. Otoplasty surgery does not interfere with the growth of the ear. Adult patients have less pliable cartilage than children, but they can still obtain a good result.


The operation is performed under general anaesthetic in a private hospital. You are able to go home the same day as surgery.

The ear is incised from behind and the cartilage is displayed, and its shape altered by undertaking a number of surgical technical manoeuvres.

The surgery required to correct prominent ears is determined by the underlying cause and frequently involves correcting one or more components of the ear. The main and often only incision is hidden behind the ear. Through the incision behind the ear, the ear can be moved closer to the head by suturing down the conchal bowl. Additionally, the cartilage is displayed, and shaped adopting a number of techniques to help better define the antihelical fold.

All wounds are sutured using dissolving sutures the other ear is then performed to match. A head bandage is applied following the procedure.


The head bandage stays in place for 1 week and is then taken down in the office. The ears will still be swollen and discoloured at this stage and typically the ear pinning appears a little “too corrected”. However, this will settle, and it will be at least 4-6 weeks before they completely settle. The front of the face remains unaffected.

For the first four weeks you will need to wear a surgical ‘head band’ which affectively sits over your ears to apply ongoing compression. This is to be worn when at home and sleeping.

You can return to normal physical activities after four weeks.

You need to avoid any activities which forcibly pulls on the ear for at least three months.


More information on general potential complications can be found on our site. LEARN MORE 

Whenever someone is having an anaesthetic, no matter what it’s for, then things can potentially go wrong. That is why no surgery should be considered “minor”. Of course, whilst the chances of the following potential problems occurring are extremely small, you still need to know about them:

  • Anaesthetic issues – which can affect heart, lungs or cause strokes
  • Allergic reactions – This can be very mild to life threatening.
  • Clots
    • Superficial vein clots, which is a complication of the cannula or drip that’s placed in your vein
    • Deep vein clots – these can potentially spread to the lung and be life threatening. We do several things during surgery and after surgery whilst you’re in hospital to minimise the risk of you developing these.
  • Wound problems – such as infection and breakdown
  • Bleeding – early or late
  • Death – whilst the chances of this is exceeding rare, any of the previous issues can result in this devastating complication.

All these potential problems are standard for any operation, although some operations and some patients have an increased risk of developing them.

Specific complications include:

  • Bleeding can be a problem in the early postoperative period
  • Recurrence of prominence
  • An unsatisfactory or asymmetrical correction
  • The need for revision surgery

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Learn more about our procedures or schedule a one-on-one consultation at our Sydney clinic

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