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Rest & Recovery Timeline after Thigh Lift Surgery

Tue 8th Oct 2024

Are you considering a thigh lift but uncertain about the details? With the growing demand of body contouring procedures, the thigh lift has emerged as a sought-after option for those looking to enhance their legs.

Understanding the different types of thigh lift procedures is crucial for anyone contemplating this surgery. From inner and outer thigh lifts to mini and vertical options, each technique caters to specific needs and body types. Additionally, a variety of factors, including surgeon expertise and hospital fees, can significantly impact the overall cost of the procedure, making it essential to research thoroughly.

In this comprehensive guide to thigh lift surgery in Sydney, we will explore all aspects of the procedure, from candidacy and costs to recovery and scar care. By the end, you will have a clearer picture of what to expect and how to make informed decisions about your surgical journey.

Candidacy for Thigh Lift Surgery

Determining whether you are a good candidate for thigh lift surgery is a critical step that must be undertaken with a specialist plastic surgeon. Often, ideal patients have undergone massive weight loss and are troubled with loose skin that does not respond to physical activities or further weight loss attempts. It is imperative to ensure that you possess realistic expectations from the surgery, you are at or near your ideal weight, and you are committed to maintaining a stable weight after the procedure. It’s important to note that this process involves surgical incisions, hospital fees, and a rigorous recovery period, so well-informed consent is absolutely necessary. Thigh lift surgery is a solution for recontouring the thighs but is not an alternative to weight loss.

Who is the ideal candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?

The ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery are individuals who are not only troubled by the appearance and functional issues posed by their thighs due to excess skin but also meet certain health prerequisites. It is critical that potential patients are non-smokers, or willing to quit, as smoking can severely inhibit the healing process and increase the potential risks associated with the surgery. Maintaining a consistent weight for at least six months to a year is another key requirement to ensure lasting results. Furthermore, candidates should not have any medical conditions that impair healing or increase the danger of surgery, such as uncontrolled diabetes or heart disease. Those preparing for a thigh lift should have an optimistic outlook and precise goals in mind for body contouring surgery.

Medical considerations

Before pursuing thigh lift surgery, a comprehensive medical evaluation is necessary to assess your suitability for this surgical procedure. The evaluation will include discussions about your medical history, any medications you take, and any previous surgeries. It is vital for Dr Dona to be aware of any conditions that could complicate the surgery, such as a tendency to form blood clots or fluid accumulation. You will be evaluated to ensure you have adequate tissue elasticity to achieve the desired surgical outcome. In addition, Dr Dona will inform you of the potential risks, such as scarring, changes in skin sensation, asymmetries, and the need for revision surgery. The goal is to maximise patient safety and optimise the results of your thigh lift procedure.

The recovery process after Thigh Lift Surgery

After the surgical scar seals and the hospital stay concludes, patients embark on a pivotal phase: recovery. Healing from thigh lift surgery is a structured process, with critical steps to optimise outcomes and minimise the risk of complications. It involves adhering to post-operative care instructions, managing bruising and swelling, wearing compression garments, and allowing time for the body to restore strength and regain functionality. Each stage in the recovery timeline is an investment in the overall success of the procedure, ensuring the supportive tissue and reshaped contours settle into their new form.

Dr Dona’s clinic provides all patients with detailed written pre- and post-operative instructions. Furthermore, all your post-operative appointments are booked prior to your day of surgery.

We offer an intensive post-operative treatment plan which involves three appointments per week for the first three weeks, and then regular appointments thereafter. It is during these first few weeks where we will carefully monitor your progress and wound healing and commence various treatments to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome.

The incorporation of post-operative LED therapy and skin needling has also been shown to encourage healing and scar quality. At Dr Dona’s clinic, LED therapy is an integral and compulsory part of all our post-operative care and typically you will receive 2-3 sessions per week for the first few weeks as a minimum.

Timeline for recovery after a Thigh Lift

The following are general guidelines and will vary slightly depending on the precise surgery required.

  • Most patients will spend at least 2 days in hospital and will be medically fit to return home at this stage, although some may benefit from another day or two in hospital.
  • It is important to know that everyone has a different experience after surgery from negligible pain to significant discomfort. You may experience pain localised to the incisions but also nerve pain (shooting pains and burning).
  • When you wake up from surgery:
    • Two plastic tubes or drains are usually placed adjacent to your wounds on your left and right side.
    • You have at least one drip in place to give you intravenous fluids and pain control medication and antibiotics.
    • You will have a catheter in your bladder, so you don’t have to worry about getting up and trying to go to the toilet.
    • You will also have nasal prongs or oxygen mask designed to give you supplemental oxygen.
    • You will be wearing compression garment (tight “leggings”). This will help control the swelling and reduce discomfort.
  • The nurse or physiotherapist will help you out of bed the day after surgery.
  • Usually at your second day post-op we will remove all your drains, drips, and catheter.
  • After everything has been removed, you will be able to have a shower with assistance.
  • Gentle mobilisation at this stage is important to help prevent any post-operative complications. However, do not expect too much of yourself.
  • When you leave the hospital, you will be given pain medications and antibiotics – please take them as prescribed.
  • It is recommended that you have someone with you at home for at least the first week for general day-to-day care.
  • Bloating and Constipation is very common after surgery. This is because you have just had abdominal surgery, you are less mobile and taking strong pain medication which causes slowing of the bowels. You are encouraged to have plenty of fluids, a high fibre diet and some gentle laxatives such as Movicol to help restore your normal bowel habits.
    • You will be given Movicol whilst in hospital and are encouraged to continue with the above measures at home until your normal bowel habits return.
  • You may experience different sensations and feelings in your lower limbs including numbness, pins and needles, shooting pains, tightness or burning sensations – most of these will gradually resolve over the first 6 weeks.
  • It is normal to experience permanent patches of numbness or even hypersensitivity associated with scars, in the groin or thighs and leg.
  • When you get home, we encourage you to be up and mobile, however do not expect too much of yourself.
  • You can shower but leave the dressings intact and ensure you pat dry. DO NOT have baths or go swimming until 3 weeks after surgery.
  • There is no recommended sleeping position, sleep whatever position you are comfortable in.
  • After surgery expect a lot of swelling of your feet and legs. A significant amount of the initial swelling will be gone in the first 1-2 weeks. The amount of swelling can differ slightly from one side to the other.


Wearing Compression GarmentsWhen you wake up from your surgery you will have a compression garment on your legs and thighs. These are basically tight “sleeves” that control the swelling and help reduce tension on the wounds. Compression garments play a vital role in the recovery from a thigh lift. Typically, these garments should be worn for six weeks post-surgery. The consistent pressure provided by these garments ensures that the thighs heal to the optimal shape and can also assist in minimising the appearance of surgical scars.

Lower limb swelling is to be expected after a thigh lift. However, this has the potential to become a chronic issue. So, we recommend that you get fitted with a custom lower limb compression garment and wear this for a minimum of 6 months after surgery.

Walking after a Thigh Lift – You can mobilise gently from day 1 after surgery – be guided by your body and keep it short. At 2 weeks post-op you can do light walking but avoid any strenuous activities.

Driving after a Thigh Lift – You should not consider driving for the first 2 weeks after surgery. After this time, you should only drive if you feel safe doing so.

Returning to work after a Thigh Lift – You will be able to return to a light office or desk work environment at 3 weeks post-op. Light hospitality work may be possible at 4 weeks. Any employment that involves heavy lifting or straining must be avoided for 6 weeks.

Returning to normal after a Thigh Lift – At 6 weeks post-surgery you can gradually return to normal training and physical activities.

Consider the first 6 weeks after surgery as RECOVERY, and after 6 weeks consider all activities as REHABILITATION. Undertake any physical activities that you wish to do and be guided by your comfort and strength which will slowly improve.

It will take at least 6 months before you are feeling “normal” and able to do all the things you could before surgery.

Sexual activity after a Thigh Lift – You can return to sexual activity at any stage with the following understanding:

  • You should avoid any activities that increase your heart rate and blood pressure during the first couple of weeks as this can increase the risk of swelling or bleeding problems.
  • Your wounds and thigh region should not be firmly handled or vigorously manipulated for the first six weeks.
  • If you engage in sexual activity during the first six weeks, you need to take on a very passive role.
  • Remember that you should not undertake any physical activities where you need to strain, exert or put pressure on the surgical sites for the first six weeks.

Clinic Appointments – You will be required to be seen for regular post op checks for at least the first 6 months after surgery. Follow-up appointments will be shared between the practice nurses and Dr Eddy Dona.

Seromas are collections of lymphatic fluid that are not uncommon after a thigh lift. This typically presents as a firm localised swelling under part of the scar. These will warrant treatment with an ultrasound and needle drainage, and this may be required multiple times before finally resolving. On rare occasions they may require surgical intervention.

Tips for minimising scarring

One of the foremost concerns following thigh lift surgery is the scarring. To maximise the chance of achieving an aesthetically pleasing result, it is essential to take proactive steps to minimise the visibility of scars.

Follow-up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments are a cornerstone of post-operative care. These appointments allow Dr Dona and his nursing team to monitor the healing process, assess the state of incision sites, and ensure that there are no signs of complications such as infection, blood clots, or fluid accumulation.

At Bella Plastic Surgery, we have implemented an advanced and intense early post-operative treatment plan that is compulsory for all our patients. This involves three appointments per week for the first three weeks, and then appointments thereafter. It is during this all-important early period that we can keep an extremely careful eye on your wounds, change dressings, and implement several post-operative treatments specifically designed to optimise your outcome. This includes LED therapy and PRP therapy. Furthermore, should any wound problems arise, we will be able to detect them early, so that any necessary intervention can be provided before it potentially becomes a larger problem.

It is vital that patients adhere to the scheduled follow-up appointments to maximise the chance of a smooth recovery from thigh lift surgery. Failure to do so might impede recovery and increase the potential risks associated with the procedure.

Proper Wound Care

Ensuring proper wound care is vital for minimising scarring after thigh lift surgery. This begins with strictly adhering to Dr Dona’s clinics instructions on how to care for your incisions. Patients should:

  1. Cleanliness: Ensure that the wound and general surgical region is always kept clean.
  1. Protection: Ensure your wounds are always covered with bandages. The nursing team at Bella Plastic Surgery will keep a careful eye on your wound during that crucial first few weeks after surgery where you will need to attend the clinic three times per week. These appointments are crucial and are part of your overall post-surgical care regime.
  1. Observe: Keep an eye on the wound for signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or a warm sensation. Once again, the nursing team at Bella Plastic Surgery play a vital role in wound care and management during that crucial first few weeks after surgery.
  1. Promote Healing: Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C and zinc, to aid the healing process. Staying hydrated is also important.
  1. Manage Pain: ensure pain management is under control, and you are taking the necessary medications as guided by your specialist anaesthetist.
  1. Avoid Strain: Refrain from activities that could stress the wound site, potentially causing it to reopen.
  2. Wear your Compression Garment: This plays an important role in controlling swelling and minimising strain on your wounds, thus helping with wound healing.

By taking these measures, you support the body’s natural healing process and contribute to less noticeable scarring.

Sun Protection

Protecting scars from sun exposure is critical in the healing phase, as ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause scars to darken and become more noticeable. To protect your scars:

  • Cover them with clothing or use a strong SPF sunscreen specifically designed for sensitive skin.
  • Avoid tanning beds and direct sunbathing during the initial recovery phase.

Remember that even after scars have matured, they remain vulnerable to sun damage, so continual protection is necessary to maintain the improved cosmetic appearance of your scars post-surgery. 

Potential risks and complications

A detailed list of some of the potential risks and complications can be found here:

Thigh lift surgery, like all surgical procedures, carries its set of potential risks and complications that must be considered carefully before proceeding. It is crucial for patients to be aware of these risks to make informed decisions about their health and to have realistic expectations about the outcomes. While a Dr Dona will take preventative measures to mitigate these risks, patients should understand that as with any operation, unexpected issues can arise.

Common complications that could occur post-surgery include, but are not limited to, infection, poor wound healing, blood clots, fluid accumulation (seroma), and excessive scarring. Other specific risks associated with thigh lifts are nerve damage, which may lead to temporary or permanent changes in skin sensation, as well as asymmetry in the appearance of the thighs.

Adherence to post-operative guidelines such as wearing compression garments, limiting physical activities, attending follow-up appointments, and reporting any concerning symptoms immediately can significantly reduce the incidence of these complications. It is also important for patients to disclose their full medical history to the surgical team prior to undergoing the procedure to further minimise risk.

Request a Consultation with Dr Dona

Dr Eddy Dona has been a specialist plastic surgeon since 2007, and is a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. From your first clinic visit, and throughout your surgical journey, Dr Dona and his team will be there to make it as smooth as possible.
Get in touch with our clinic to request a consultation with Dr Eddy Dona

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