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How much does an Arm Lift cost?

Fri 4th Oct 2024

Many individuals grapple with excess skin and fat in the upper arm area, especially after significant weight loss or aging, making brachioplasty an appealing option. Understanding the surgery, costs and recovery processes associated with this procedure is crucial for making an informed decision.

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, comes in various forms, each tailored to the unique needs of individuals seeking to enhance their arm. Knowing the differences between mini, standard, and extended brachioplasty can help potential patients understand what the right approach for their body might be.

Understanding Arm Lift Surgery

Arm Lift surgery, also known as Brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat deposits from the upper arms, offering a more contoured and aesthetically enhanced appearance. This procedure can be a vital step for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss which has resulted in excess loose skin.

To determine suitability for an arm lift, a consultation with Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Eddy Dona is essential. During this initial consultation, your medical history will be reviewed to ensure you’re a good candidate for the surgery. It is crucial to discuss your expectations and any potential complications to understand the full scope of the arm lift procedure.

Post-Operative Care is important – one should anticipate some downtime and a temporary halt from engaging in strenuous activities and heavy lifting to allow the healing process to progress smoothly. Understanding these aspects of the arm lift will help you make an informed decision about undergoing this form of surgery.

In brief, those considering an arm lift should be aware of the need for a thorough consultation, realistic expectations, and a commitment to necessary post-surgical care for optimal results.

Who is an ideal candidate for Arm Lift Surgery?

An ideal candidate for arm lift surgery is someone who seeks to address excess skin and fat deposits in the upper arm area, typically resulting from significant weight loss. The surgery aims to reshape the upper arm by removing extra skin and supportive tissue to provide a more toned appearance.

Here are the key criteria for someone considering an arm lift procedure:

  • Adult individuals with significant upper arm skin laxity.
  • Those who maintain a stable weight and are not significantly overweight.
  • Non-smokers, as smoking can impede the healing process.
  • Individuals with a realistic expectation of the surgical outcome and potential complications.
  • People in good general health without underlying medical conditions that impair healing.
  • Patients committed to a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and fitness, to maintain surgical results.

Your consultation & assessment

During your consultation with Dr Dona, along with your general medical history and concerns, he will perform a physical assessment to establish what issues exist and the best plan to address them. This will include:

  • Your skin quality – thin, thick, loose, scars, stretch marks
  • Your fat deposits and volume
  • Where do you have excess skin:
    • Armpit
    • Upper arm – just beyond your armpit
    • The full length of your arm – from armpit to elbow
    • Upper out chest wall
    • Other

Of course, a clear understanding of what your main concerns are is established to determine the optimal plan to address them. A surgical plan is put together, and this surgery, along with the recovery and potential complications is discussed.

Types of Arm Lift Surgery

Arm Lift surgery addresses the excision of excess skin and fat from the arms. Depending on the extent of excess tissue and the individual’s unique requirements, various types of Arm Lift procedures are available. Each procedure targets different areas and extends to varying lengths along the arm. When considering an Arm Lift, it is fundamental to understand the differences between a Mini Brachioplasty, Standard Brachioplasty, and Extended Brachioplasty, so you can make a knowledgeable choice tailored to your goals.

Mini Brachioplasty

Ideal for those with a minimal amount of excess skin near the armpit, this option results in a shorter surgical scar contained with the armpit.

Most people seeking a brachioplasty are not suitable for this operation as they have excess skin extending well beyond the armpit down to or even beyond the elbow. Therefore, this form of brachioplasty will not improve this degree of skin excess.

Standard Brachioplasty

A Standard, or Full Brachioplasty is designed to address moderate to severe levels of excess skin and fat involving the arm – from armpit to elbow. This surgical procedure involves an incision running from the armpit to the elbow.

Extended Brachioplasty

Extended Brachioplasty goes a step further than the standard procedure by targeting not only the upper arm but also extending into the lateral chest area. This type of Arm Lift is often pursued by individuals who have lost a massive amount of weight and possess an extensive amount of excess skin that extends down the side of the chest. Surgical scars are more extensive with this procedure, and recovery times are slightly longer.

Factors affecting the cost of Arm Lift Surgery

The cost of an arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, can vary greatly based on several important factors. Key variables include:

  • Surgeon’s expertise
  • Anaesthetist fees
  • The specific type of arm lift procedure – complexity and duration of surgery
  • Hospital fees
  • Private Health Insurance status and whether it applies to you

Surgeon’s experience

The experience and reputation of a Specialist Plastic Surgeon are paramount factors that influence the cost of arm lift surgery. Dr Eddy Dona has extensive experience and a proven track record in complex body contouring surgery, including arm lift surgery. His fees reflect this experience and skill set.

A surgeon’s fees can be affected by credentials, specialisation in body contouring, and the demand for their expertise.

Also, as a general rule you to do tend to get what you pay for. So, whilst you can get very cheap surgery, they are typically offered by those with:

  • Less Qualifications – this includes some overseas surgeons where the training and qualifications can be questionable
  • Less Expertise – those surgeons who are a “jack of all trades and master of none”.
  • Less Experience – often very junior specialist surgeons will offer this as they don’t have much experience and are still on the steep end of their learning curve

Type of procedure required

Arm lift surgeries aren’t one-size-fits-all. The complexity of the surgery, the anticipated duration of the operation, and the technique employed by the surgeon will all play a role in your final cost. Each variety of arm lift is tailored to address different levels of skin laxity and fat deposits, and the more comprehensive the procedure, the higher the cost will be.

Specialist Anaesthetist

Your surgery will require a general anaesthetic, which basically means you will be fully asleep and woken at the completion of the surgery. Your anaesthetic, including your post-operative pain management will be provided by your specialist anaesthetist. Dr Dona only works with a select few anaesthetist who are highly experienced in looking after body contouring surgery patients. The anaesthetic fee for your surgery is dictated by the complexity and anticipated duration of your surgery.

Hospital fees

The costs related to the hospital are separate from the surgeon fees and can fluctuate considerably. These fees cover the use of the surgical facility, and the duration of the hospital stay if an overnight stay (or longer) is necessary for post-operative care and monitoring.

Geographic location – overseas

The geographic location where your arm lift surgery takes place also plays a critical role in determining the cost. This variation reflects the general pricing of healthcare providers and the cost of operating a practice in different parts of the world. Be aware that searching for lower prices in different locations should never come at the expense of quality and the credentials of the surgeon and their team.

Medicare rebates

In certain cases, patients may be eligible for Medicare rebates for arm lift procedures. This means that you will receive a rebate for both the surgical and anaesthetic fees. This is typically contingent on the surgery being classified as reconstructive rather than cosmetic. If excess skin and supportive tissue are causing functional impairment or other significant health issues, Medicare might provide some financial relief. Whether this applies to you can only be determined after a formal consultation with Dr Dona.

However, if a Medicare rebate does apply to you, it will only cover a small portion of your specialist fees.

Private health fund benefits

For those with private health insurance, you may be able to have some of your costs covered.

This will only apply for those procedures designed to addresses excess skin concerns following massive weight loss or bariatric surgery. Whether this may apply to you can only be determined following your formal consultation with Dr Dona.

Following your formal consultation, and if Dr Dona deems your surgery fits the necessary criteria, you will receive a relevant Medicare Item Number. Following this, you will need to:

  • Contact your health fund and provide them with the relevant Medicare item number which has been provided by Dr Dona’s clinic.
  • Receive confirmation from your health fund that they will cover some of your costs.
  • Confirm from your health fund exactly what they will be covering.

Your Private Health Fund will potentially cover ALL your hospital costs, which can be significant especially if you need to stay in hospital overnight or longer.

Other out-of-pocket costs

Patients should consider setting aside a contingency fund for any unforeseen costs during the recovery period, such as needing additional time off work or supplementary treatments to ensure optimum surgical scar healing.

Also, the healing process, recovery time, and return to normal activities, including heavy lifting and strenuous activities, will influence indirect costs, such as time off work. Furthermore, the surgical scar and subsequent scar treatment should be factored into the overall financial planning for this personal investment.

Total cost of Brachioplasty Surgery

Given the personalised nature of Arm Lift Surgery, and the many listed variables, it is impossible to provide a precise total out of pocket cost. However, after your initial consultation with Dr Dona you will have:

  • A tailored surgical plan
  • Confirmation of private hospital and overnight stay if required
  • Confirmation of Private Health Insurance coverage if available

You will then be provided with a precise quote, including all your Post-Operative Care requirements.

Request a Consultation with Dr Dona

Dr Eddy Dona has been a specialist plastic surgeon since 2007, and is a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. From your first clinic visit, and throughout your surgical journey, Dr Dona and his team will be there to make it as smooth as possible.
Get in touch with our clinic to request a consultation with Dr Eddy Dona

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