
How much does Body Contouring cost?

Mon 29th Jul 2024

What is Body Contouring Surgery?

Body Contouring Surgery is the plastic surgery often required following massive weight loss. It encompasses a range to surgical reconstructive procedures that are tailored to you, to address the often-significant functional and aesthetic concerns associated with excess skin.

People who are carrying a large amount of excess weight may choose to lose that weight, either through diet and exercise or via surgical assistance – such as lap band, gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery. No matter the cause, individuals who have lost a massive amount of weight experience the same issue – their bodies become smaller, but their skin does not. Skin does not contract, or ‘shrink wrap’ around a smaller body. The greater the weight loss, the greater the amount of excess skin.

All Body Contouring Surgical procedures are complex reconstructive procedures and just like any surgery, they should never be trivialised. However, in order to help patients understand the patterns and scars necessary for these surgeries, Dr Dona will often use dressmaking as an analogy. In dressmaking, you remove material and run a seam; in surgery, you remove skin and the ‘seams’ are the scars. The greater the amount of excess skin to be removed, the more scars necessary.

Body Contouring Surgery is effectively surgery designed to tailor your skin to fit your body.


Procedures that may be performed as part of Body Contouring Surgery

Massive weight loss affects every part of the body from head to toe, with some areas often affected more than others. As such, the surgical procedures that fall under the umbrella of Body Contouring Surgery cover all areas and can best be remembered by the letter ‘B’:

BRACHIOPLASTY (Arm Reduction) – removes unwanted excess and loose skin along the upper arm.

BREAST SURGERY (especially Breast Lifts and Breast Reductions) – procedures designed to address issues with the overall size, shape and form of the breasts.

BRA LIPECTOMY – an operation performed to address excess skin rolls and associated fat in the upper and middle part of the back around the bra strap area. There are several names and variations for a Bra Lipectomy which include:

  • Bra Line Back lift
  • Upper Body Lift
  • Upper Truncoplasty

BELT LIPECTOMY – the surgical removal of rolls of excess skin and the associated fat in the lower back, flanks, and abdominal region. It also lifts the buttock and pubic regions. A Belt Lipectomy combines two operations: a Buttock Lift and a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), that results in one continuous circumferential scar contained within the belt line. The Belt Lipectomy can also be referred to as a:

BELLY SURGERY (Abdominoplasty, aka Tummy Tuck) – refers to various types of Abdominal Surgery. The type of Abdominal Surgery required will be determined by the amount of excess loose skin and fat, in the middle and lower abdomen. The three main types include:

BUTTOCK LIFT – is an operation designed to lift and tighten the buttocks, remove excess skin from the lower back, and create a far tighter and smoother from along your back and buttocks. Buttock Lift surgery is also referred to as:

  • Gluteal Lipectomy

BELOW THE WAISTLINE – THIGH LIFT (medial Thigh Lipectomy) – is a surgery performed to tighten the skin and improve the form along the inner thigh. Excess skin and fatty tissue are removed, leaving a scar hidden along the fold where the thigh and the groin meet, and often down the inner aspect of the thigh to the level of the knee.


Initial consultation

When it comes to determining the types of Body Contouring procedures that you may require to address your concerns, you will need a formal consultation with Dr Dona.

During your consultation with Dr Dona, you will discuss the areas that you would like to address. Dr Dona will examine and assess those areas and take clinical measurements. You will then discuss the surgical options available, the expected outcomes, risks, recovery period and any other essential considerations. Your overall general medical history, health, and expectations will determine to optimal management plan for you.

The most important to remember throughout all of this is that dramatic weight loss is a great accomplishment, and it is to be celebrated! Body Contouring surgery is essentially finishing off what you started.


How many procedures can be done at the same time?

Massive weight loss affects every part of the body, with problematic excess skin issues often found in the arms, chest, back, buttocks and thighs. Therefore, surgery to reconstruct these areas is often requested.

Whilst many patients would like to have all their surgical procedures done at the same time, for safety reasons this is often not possible.

Each patient is assessed, and a plan put in place to address their concerns based on priority. These decisions can only be made after a formal consultation and determining an individual’s suitability for surgery, and what type of surgery can or should be performed. For many patients that have lost a significant amount of what, they will often have to undergo surgeries in a staged manner over a period of time.

Of course, other issues such as financial and patients’ lifestyle/logistics also needs to be considered when planning these surgeries.

Of course, it is considered medically safe to combine surgical procedures then this can be offered.

Some common combinations include:

Ultimately, Dr Dona will begin with the areas that most concern the patient and then continue in stages depending on the degree of concern and other considerations, such as lifestyle, financial and health constraints.

Variations in surgeon expertise & techniques

As with all medicine, and especially surgery, there are many different ways to address the same concerns. In other words, surgeons will frequently address the same issue via a different surgical pathway and with very different outcomes.

As such, it is always important to consider second opinions when exploring what you would like done with your body and who you trust to deliver an optimal outcome.

Some basic questions you should ask yourself:

  • Is Body Contouring Surgery a large part of their practice?
  • Does your surgeon have extensive experience in delivering excellent outcomes for his/her patients?
  • Have you been able to see plenty of examples of the work they have been able to achieve covering a broad range of patients.
  • Do they speak to you with confidence and in a manner which is easy to understand and is logical?
  • Do they provide you with extensive educational material so that you can make an informed decision about what is right for you?

Hospital fees

With very few exceptions, Body Contouring Surgery procedures are only performed in private hospitals.

Also, each private hospital will have a different fee structure.

However, some basic principles include:

  • All fees for these procedures are highly variable as it depends largely on what surgical procedures are required to address your issues.
  • The hospital fees will take into account how many hours the surgery is expected to take, along with what surgical procedures will be performed.
  • The total hospital fees will include time spent in the operating room, along with how many days you will be in hospital.
  • The hospital fees will also include costs such as various medications, blood tests, xrays or other radiology services that may have been required, and special dressings or garments that the surgeon may have used etc.


If your surgical procedures have Medicare item numbers, and you have the appropriate level of private health insurance, you may not be required to pay any hospital costs. (see below)

 Anaesthetist fees 

The specialist anaesthetic doctor is a vital member of your healthcare team. Along with providing you with your surgical aneasthetic – making sure you go to sleep and wake up as smoothly and as comfortably as possible – they will also manage all of your pain medications whilst in hospital and upon discharge. Dr Dona only works with a few anaethetists that are highly experienced in looking after the needs of Body Contouring Surgery patients. 

The fees they charge will depend on how many hours of anaesthetic time it is anticipated your surgery will take, and the complexity of your anaesthetic needs.

Surgeon fee

Experience and excellence acquired over decades of commitment to the specialty often comes at a price. The surgeons’ fees are based on many factors, including:

  • What surgery you will require?
  • How many hours do they anticipate it will take?
  • How complex your surgery will be?
  • What is the level and experience of your surgeon?
  • What the surgeon believes their skills and results demands.

It is true that the “same surgery” can be much cheaper overseas, or even in Australia.

Indeed, many junior surgeons or surgeons who have yet to develop the experience, skills, and track record of quality results will often charge minimal fees. However, as the old saying goes, you often get what you pay for. Its your body, only you can decide what you are worth.

Does Medicare cover Body Contouring Surgery?

Medicare item numbers often apply to surgical procedures following massive weight loss. Whether this applies to you can only be determined after a formal consultation.

However, as previously stated, these operations are almost exclusively only offered in private hospitals. However, having an item number does allow for a small rebate, and more importantly, will allow for your private health fund (if you have one) to potentially cover all your hospital costs.

Will my private health insurance provider cover the surgery?

If you have private health cover, and the appropriate level of cover, then they may cover your hospital costs. However, they will not cover much of your surgery or anaesthetic costs.

Dr Eddy Dona

Dr Eddy Dona

Dr Eddy Dona (FRACS) is a Specialist Plastic Surgeons in Sydney, and a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Following his medical degree at the University of Sydney in 1996, Dr Dona then began a further 11 years of intensive training to become a Specialist Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon. Since starting private practice in 2007, Dr Dona has had patients from all over Australia seeking his expertise and specialist management. Dr Dona’s practice has grown and become heavily focused on breast and body reconstructive procedures, especially after massive weight loss including post-pregnancy. Despite running a busy private practice, Dr Dona spent the first 15 years of his specialist practice dedicating part of his time to one of Sydney’s largest teaching public hospitals, including training future plastic surgeons. This was where Dr Dona was often required to reconstruct the bodies of those affected by trauma and cancer.

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