Mon 3rd Mar 2025
Compression garments play a vital role in your postsurgical healing. Here’s why.
After undergoing any plastic surgery procedure, Dr Dona and his team will give you a comprehensive list of instructions. It’s imperative that you follow all instructions carefully to heal optimally. And one of the most important instructions? Wear your designated compression garment!
A compression garment is a medical-grade article of clothing made with durable, high-quality, breathable materials (e.g., nylon and elastane). They are specifically designed for patients to wear after surgery, and a colossal variety of compression garments is available. Fortunately, though, you won’t have to choose a garment. Before surgery, we’ll take your measurements, and Dr Dona will select the right-sized garment designed for your specific surgery. This garment will be placed on you in theatre before you wake from surgery.
Compression garments are exceedingly helpful in your healing process as they:
Minimise Post-Operative Pain And Discomfort: Compression garments are snug-fitting yet stretchy, so they apply even pressure and support to your surgical area, which helps minimise inflammation, alleviate pain and provide stability.
Your compression garment must fit snugly enough to apply even pressure but not so tight that it is uncomfortable. If, at any time, your compression garment is making you feel uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the clinic.
Reduce Tension On The Surgical Wounds: The constant tension and external support provided by the garment will help provide support and minimise tension on the surgical wounds. This will, therefore, allow for improved and easier ‘tension-free’ healing of all wounds – internal and external.
Decrease Bruising: When you undergo surgery, some blood vessels are broken. When this happens, blood leaks into the surrounding tissues, resulting in a bruise. A benefit of wearing a compression garment is that applying even pressure to the area helps prevent blood cells from moving toward the skin’s surface, which will minimise the appearance of bruising after surgery.
Minimise Visible Scarring: As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr Dona works diligently to ensure all scars are minimal and as concealed as possible. However, your compression garment will also help minimise visible scarring — in fact, the role of compression garments in reducing scarring is fairly significant. The constant support and pressure on the area help soften and flatten the scarred tissue, which will help minimise its appearance. Additionally, these garments also help align the tissues for optimal healing.
Reduce The Risk Of Complications And Infection: We encourage patients to rest appropriately after surgery. (However, this includes regular, gentle walks around the house to encourage circulation.) The beauty of wearing a compression garment is that it promotes circulation and rapid wound healing, which can help prevent blood clots and infection. However, it’s vital to remember that your compression garment must always be clean to help avoid infection, so please change it regularly, as outlined in your surgeon’s instructions.
Minimise Swelling: By applying constant, even pressure, your compression garment will help prevent any excess buildup of subcutaneous fluid, which causes swelling and discomfort. The more you reduce swelling, the faster your body can heal from your surgery, and the sooner you’ll be able to appreciate your final results.
Types Of Plastic Surgeries That Benefit From Compression Garments
So many surgeries benefit from compression garments — even facial surgeries can require a compression garment. For example, compression garments are used for:
The team at Bella Plastic Surgery will give you detailed instructions on caring for and maintaining your compression garment — and you must follow them carefully.
Why is it so important to take good care of your compression garment? Firstly, we want you to keep the garment clean to avoid infection. However, proper (and gentle) garment washing and drying also ensures that the elasticity of your compression garment is not compromised. Once the garment loses its elasticity, it can no longer help with the healing process.
If you feel your garment is showing signs of wear and tear and no longer feels firm, we recommend you replace the garment so you can continue to receive adequate compression throughout your healing process.
Your compression garment should feel comfortable, snug and supportive but not be constricting or painful.
Oftentimes, if you are experiencing pain or discomfort, your compression garment is too tight. A good test to ensure that you are wearing the right size is to slip your hand between your compression garment and your body. If it’s too difficult to do so, your compression garment is likely too tight, which can cause damage to blood vessels and bleeding.
If you are experiencing discomfort, you must call the clinic and discuss your concerns.
Your compression garment is also designed to protect your wounds. It should make moving around easier without feeling any strain or pain at the incision site. You should be able to wear your compression garment under your clothing or sleepwear. As they are made of breathable fabrics, most people tolerate them well and find them comfortable.
Wearing a compression garment should be a relatively soothing and comfortable experience. However, if you have been instructed to wear your garment for several weeks or have very sensitive skin, you may notice some side effects. These may include:
If you’re experiencing any of these side effects, please remove the garment and contact the clinic. This way, we can address this issue and care for you promptly.
You should wear your compression garment for as long as your surgeon prescribes. This is because these garments are so crucial in helping minimise postsurgical swelling. You’ll be encouraged to wear your compression garment for one to six weeks. It all depends on the procedure you’ve had, the condition of your body and any other factors determined by your plastic surgeon.
Keeping your garment clean is one of the best ways to maintain comfort. A clean garment not only maintains your personal hygiene but also prevents irritation or infection. If you feel your garment is too tight, please contact the clinic so we can promptly address this problem.
Yes, as compression garments are snug fitting, you can easily wear most clothing over the top so you can continue your daily activities comfortably.
During your first healing phase, you should wear a compression garment consistently, day and night. Only take the garment off for bathing. During your second phase, Dr Dona may allow you to remove your garment at certain times. This entirely depends on your procedure and physical condition. Please follow your instructions, and if there is any confusion, please don’t hesitate to call the clinic so we can help you.