
Cleavage After Breast Augmentation

Sat 14th Dec 2024

Breast implants can dramatically alter not just size, but also the overall aesthetic of a woman’s silhouette, particularly when it comes to the cleavage area.

Anatomical variations, implant selection, and surgical techniques play pivotal roles in defining the ultimate look of breast cleavage. Everyone’s body is unique, and these individual differences can significantly impact the end result of any augmentation.

This article will explore the intricacies of breast cleavage after implants, including surgical methods that enhance cleavage, non-surgical options, and common concerns that arise post-surgery.

Definition Of Breast Cleavage

Breast cleavage can be defined as the natural divide between the breasts. The width and depth of this gap between the breasts is one of the key factors that a well performed breast augmentation procedure is designed to enhance. It is also one of the key factors that one would use to determine if a breast augmentation has been performed well or not – “how good is the cleavage?”

The cleavage is primarily influenced by factors such as the distribution of breast tissue, the width of the chest wall, and the natural spacing between the breasts before undergoing surgery. In the context of breast implants, enhancing the cleavage involves planning implant width, profile, pocket formation and placement, evaluating the pectoralis muscles, and assessing the potential impact on skin tightness and the natural appearance of breasts.

The final distance between the breasts is vital is assessing the surgical outcome, as too wide a cleavage may lead to an unnatural appearance while to narrow a cleavage, or indeed a loss of cleavage with the creation of a monoboob will create an even less favourable aesthetic outcome.

Factors Influencing Breast Cleavage

The cleavage you achieve after breast implants is primarily influenced by a combination of individual anatomy, implant selection, and surgical techniques. Understanding these factors can help set realistic expectations and ensure you achieve the desired outcome from your breast augmentation procedure.

Anatomical Factors:

  • Breast Tissue Quality – The quality of pre-existing breast tissue ​​​​envelope, which includes your skin and breast tissue, is a key determinant of how your breasts and cleavage will appear after augmentation surgery.
  • Breast Shape – The shape of your existing breasts is another key factor
  • Breast Volume/Size – how much natural breast tissue you have will determine how much natural breast tissue cover your implant will have. This is important as it plays a role in how much your surgeon should push to create a tight cleavage. Minimal breast tissue volume can increase the risk of rippling along the cleavage, and therefore the surgeon should not aim to create a tight cleavage if the risk id significant rippling.
  • Chest Wall Shape – is the chest wall flat (which is ideal), is it concave, or barrel shaped. The chest wall shape dictates the direction that your breasts will point, and it therefore dictates how deep of a cleavage is technically achievable.

  • Your Pre-existing Cleavage Skin:
    • Is the skin tight and tethered to chest bone
    • Or is it loose and free
  • Chest Muscles – The chest muscle or pectoralis muscle is another important consideration in cleavage, as its position and shape are very important when implants are placed under the muscle. This is because certain features of the muscle can affect how close the implants will be sitting to the midline.
    • For example, is the muscle attached close to or far from midline?
    • Or, is the chest muscle thick or thin. In other words, does it have a broad or thin attachment to chest wall near the midline?

Implant Factors:

  • Implant Diameter – Does the implant make the most of the pre-existing breast footprint or desired footprint – in other words, is the implant the appropriate width for the diameter of breast footprint. This is in fact the first and most important aspect of implant selection – finding the correct diameter for your individual frame size and desired cleavage.
  • Implant ​Profile – moderate, high or extra high profile. The greater the implant profile, the deeper the potential cleavage.

Surgical Factors:

  • Implant Pocket – The placement of the implants, whether above or below the chest muscle, affects cleavage and overall breast aesthetics. Creating the ideal implant pockets is crucial for positioning; improper pocket formation may lead to an unnatural appearance.
  • Surgeon Skills – surgical skill and experience is without question the most vital element as your surgeon needs to assess and work with all these variables to provide the best possible cleavage that your anatomy will allow. However, many times due to the way the person’s natural anatomy is, it is not possible to achieve a tight deep cleavage.

Importance Of Cleavage In Aesthetic Surgery

Cleavage holds significant importance in aesthetic surgery as it directly relates to the symmetry and overall attractiveness of the augmented breasts. During the initial consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon Dr Dona, patients are guided on how cleavage can be tailored according to their personal preference and body type.

The importance of cleavage in aesthetic surgery is enhanced by several considerations:

  • Implant Placement: Proper placement within the breast implant pockets is crucial to achieving a balanced and natural cleavage.
  • Implant Size and Type: Choices like wider (larger) implants or higher-profile implants can affect cleavage appearance.
  • Chest Wall Anatomy: Individuals with wider chests may naturally have a wider cleavage, requiring specific techniques to achieve their desired look.
  • Overall Breast and Chest Anatomy: The combination of fatty tissue, breast tissue, skin quality, and existing pectoralis muscle tone influences the end result.

Dr Dona will assess all these factors and more to ensure he uses the ideal implant and techniques to allow you to achieve the best possible cleavage that is anatomically achievable.

Surgical Methods To Enhance Cleavage

Achieving the desired cleavage after breast implants is a focal point for many individuals seeking breast augmentation. The creation of a desirable cleavage doesn’t depend on the size of the implants, but more so on the dimensions of the implant and on a variety of surgical techniques and individual anatomical factors. Dr Dona will consider the unique characteristics of the patient’s breast tissue, chest wall, and pectoralis muscles to achieve optimal results.

Implant Placement Techniques

As a general rule, there are two implant placement pockets – above or below the pectoralis muscle – and these can influence the distance between breasts and overall cleavage aesthetic.

  1. Subglandular Placement: This is also known as – on top of muscle, prepectoral or ‘overs’. This involves positioning the implants directly under the breast tissue but above the pectoralis muscles. This placement may offer more pronounced cleavage but can also result in a more artificial look if not executed properly.
  2. Submuscular Placement: This is often referred to as – ‘unders’, or dual plane. Here, the implants are placed beneath the pectoralis muscles. However, it is important to understand that the implant is never completely covered by muscle, with the lower and outer part of the implant not covered by muscle. This often leads to a more natural appearance and feel, as the chest muscle acts as an additional layer, influencing the way implants settle and interact with natural breast contours. This method can also provide a balance between natural breast appearance and improved cleavage.

Pectoralis Muscle Issues

When an implant is placed under the muscle, which is how Dr Dona will perform the vast majority of his breast augmentations, then certain anatomical aspects of the muscle need to be addressed to optimise the cleavage.

This is because certain features of the muscle can affect how close the implants will be sitting to the midline.

For example, how close is the muscle attached to the midline? The surgeon will need to release part or all of the muscle attachment along the cleavage to ensure the appropriately sized implants are sitting close enough together to create optimal cleavage. How much is released will depend on how close the muscle is attached to the midline.

Also, is the chest muscle thick or thin? In other words, does it have a broad or thin attachment to chest wall near the midline? This too will influence how much muscle must be released to ensure the implants are sitting close enough together to optimise the cleavage.

Size And Shape Considerations

When considering breast implants, size plays a significant role in cleavage enhancement. However, whilst implants sizes are typically discussed as a volume in cc’s (cubic centimeters), this unit of measurement is largely irrelevant. The most important measurements are the implants dimensions. Specifically, how wide is the implant, and how deep (the profile) is the implant?

  • Wider Implants: It is vital that the implant width is appropriately matched to the patient’s ideal breast base width. In fact, the first element of an implant selection that needs to be determined is how wide must the implant be. Choosing an appropriately implant to maximally enhance the cleavage, considering anatomical limitations, is a key point in excellent breast enhancement surgery. An implant that is too narrow for the patient’s frame will result in a wide cleavage gap.
  • Higher-Profile Implants: the depth of the implants is another key feature that helps create an aesthetically pleasing result. The profile refers to how far forward the implant projects from the chest wall. With respect to the cleavage, the greater the profile the deeper the cleavage will be. Hence, higher profile implants create larger breasts and a more pronounced cleavage.
  • Implant Shape: the implants width and profile are the two key elements that will affect cleavage from an implant point of view. However, shape can also play a role. As a general rule, for implants with an equal width and profile, round implants enhance the upper segment of the cleavage more so than an anatomical (teardrop) style implant.


When seeking an attractive, natural cleavage without undergoing surgery, non-surgical methods may offer viable alternatives. These methods can enhance the appearance of your cleavage by improving the shape and contour of the breast area, without the risks associated with breast implant surgery. From innovative fillers to specialty bras, there are several solutions available to achieve the cleavage of your dreams.

Fillers and Injectables

In recent years, the use of fillers and injectables has gained popularity in some countries and by certain practitioners as a non-surgical method for enhancing cleavage. This technique involves injecting substances, such as dermal fillers, into the breast area to create volume and define cleavage lines. The process is minimally invasive and provides a temporary boost, ideal for those looking to experiment with size or shape adjustments without committing to a permanent change.

Benefits of using fillers and injectables include:

  • Quick procedure, often done in under an hour
  • Minimal recovery time, often returning to normal activities the same day
  • Adjustable volume for tailored results
  • Less invasive compared to traditional breast augmentation procedures

It’s important to note that results are temporary and typically last a few months, necessitating repeat sessions to maintain the desired appearance.

However, this treatment option does come with its unique set of potential complications and is a treatment that Dr Dona does not offer.

Bras and External Enhancements

Harness the power of specialised bras and external enhancements to enhance your cleavage without any needles or incisions. These tools are designed to alter the positioning of the breasts and create a more pronounced and appealing cleavage.

Key types of bras and enhancements include:

  • Push-up Bras: Designed with padded cups to lift the breasts and bring them closer together, delivering immediate and noticeable cleavage.
  • Plunge Bras: Ideal for deep necklines, these bras enhance cleavage appearance with a unique cup structure.
  • Adhesive Bras: Perfect for backless designs, these bras deliver lift and support without visible straps, promoting a natural cleavage.
  • Bra Inserts or Cutlets: These removable pads insert into existing bras, adding volume and accentuating cleavage.

Additionally, wearing a type of bra that aligns with your breast size and shape is crucial for achieving desired results. Experimenting with different styles will help identify the best fit for your body, ensuring maximum comfort and enhancement.

Combining proper undergarments with external enhancements can result in a dramatic improvement in cleavage, offering an effective, non-invasive alternative to breast implant surgery.

Common Concerns Regarding Cleavage After Surgery

Does Surgery Close The Gap Between Breasts?

While breast implants aim to enhance fullness and size, they have limitations in altering the natural distance between breasts, also known as the Cleavage Gap. Your breastbone (sternum), the tightness and adherence of the overlying cleavage skin to your breastbone, and how far apart your natural breasts sit do provide some limitations on how much you can bridge this gap to enhance your cleavage. In other words, surgery alone may not be able to create a tight cleavage due to natural anatomical limitations.

Implications Of A Naturally Wide Cleavage Gap

A wider cleavage can sometimes result in an unnatural appearance, particularly if larger high-profile implants are used without considering the natural contour of your chest wall and breast tissue. It’s crucial to align your expectations with what can be realistically achieved based on your anatomy.

Here are some implications of a wide cleavage gap:

  • Unnatural appearing wide cleavage: A tight wide cleavage gap with small natural breasts is very common. However, due to these natural anatomical limitations, using high profile implants in this situation can enhance this natural gap and create an unnatural wide cleavage with tight demarcated edges created by the implants. In other words, the width of the cleavage gap will remain the same, but it is now more noticeable and unnatural because its left and right borders are the prominent edges of the implants.
  • Rippling vs Tight Cleavage: for those that have a naturally wide cleavage gap with cleavage skin tightly adherent to the sternum over a wide distance, achieving a close cleavage does come with potential problems. The surgeon could choose to bridge this gap and create a tight cleavage by releasing the muscle and dissecting the skin from the sternum and using an appropriately wide implant to fill in the new implant pocket. Therefore, the implants will now be sitting close together, and the patient will have a tight cleavage. However, the implant along the cleavage will only be covered by thin skin and tissue, and thus seeing the edges and folds of the implant, a problem referred to as rippling, along the cleavage becomes a very real problem. In this scenario, accepting a wide cleavage with smooth contours is a better option than a tighter cleavage with rippling.

Discussing these factors with your surgeon can help set realistic expectations and explore solutions like achieving an optimal cleavage for your body type.

Initial Results Vs Final Results Of Breast Augmentation Surgery

In the initial stages after breast augmentation surgery, the breast has significant upper pole swelling along with significant swelling along the cleavage. Combined with the natural lifting of the skin along the cleavage due to the tenting affect of the implants, especially with those that have thick skin, then the cleavage is largely absent in the beginning.

As the weeks pass and the swelling settles, the cleavage starts to become more defined. Along with the natural settling and stretching of the skin, by approximately six weeks post-surgery, the cleavage is now fully developed and visible.

However, it takes a full six months for the breasts to fully settle and soften before the breasts, and the cleavage has reached its full potential, especially with the added support and enhancement provided by an appropriately fitted bra.

Planning For Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery starts with meticulous planning. Understanding the goals and expectations associated with breast implants is crucial to achieve the desired results and maintain your health and safety throughout the process. With careful planning by an experienced and skilled surgeon, you can ensure that your breast augmentation experience leads to an optimally enhanced and desirable cleavage that complements your body’s overall contour.

Consultation With The Plastic Surgeon

The initial consultation with Dr Dona sets the foundation for a successful breast augmentation procedure. During this meeting, Dr Dona will evaluate your unique anatomical features, including the pectoralis muscles, breast tissue, skin quality, chest wall, and breastbone. These assessments are vital for determining the most suitable implant placement and size that align with your aesthetic goals. Dr Dona will discuss different implant options, and ultimately choose the implant with all the precise dimensions and shape to provide results that match your desired volume and cleavage appearance.

Here’s what to consider:

  • Implant Placement: Understanding whether the implant will sit above or below the chest muscle influences the nature of cleavage post-surgery.
  • Skin Tightness & Tissue Health: Evaluating your skin tightness and fatty tissue distribution is essential for a natural appearance.
  • Implant Dimensions and Size: Deciding on the implant size, shape and creating the appropriate implant pockets are crucial steps.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is a key component of planning for breast augmentation. During the consultation, Dr Dona will provide insights into the expected outcomes, helping you visualise the potential changes to your body. It’s important to recognise the differences between natural breasts and augmented ones, especially in terms of cleavage.

A natural cleavage look may differ depending on the distance between the breasts before surgery. Factors like wider bases and variations in breast implant pocket development will influence this. While many aspire to achieve a tight cleavage, understanding that the results can vary based on individual anatomical differences is vital.

Here’s a list of expectations to review:

  • Natural Cleavage vs Wide Cleavage: Understand that a natural-looking cleavage might not always mean closely set breasts without implants.
  • Unnatural Appearance Risk: Be aware of the risks such as unnatural appearance, particularly with oversized implants.
  • Type of Bra: Post-surgery, the type of bra chosen can significantly enhance or support the desired cleavage aesthetic.

Being informed and having clear, realistic goals will empower you to make confident decisions throughout the breast implant surgery process, ensuring that the results harmonise with your physical goals and lifestyle preferences.

In the end, be sure to choose an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon that will help guide you and allow you to achieve the best possible cleavage that your natural anatomy will allow.

Dr Eddy Dona

Dr Eddy Dona

Dr Eddy Dona (FRACS) is a Specialist Plastic Surgeons in Sydney, and a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Following his medical degree at the University of Sydney in 1996, Dr Dona then began a further 11 years of intensive training to become a Specialist Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon. Since starting private practice in 2007, Dr Dona has had patients from all over Australia seeking his expertise and specialist management. Dr Dona’s practice has grown and become heavily focused on breast and body reconstructive procedures, especially after massive weight loss including post-pregnancy. Despite running a busy private practice, Dr Dona spent the first 15 years of his specialist practice dedicating part of his time to one of Sydney’s largest teaching public hospitals, including training future plastic surgeons. This was where Dr Dona was often required to reconstruct the bodies of those affected by trauma and cancer.

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