
Breast Implant Shape; Round Vs Anatomical Implants

Wed 6th Nov 2024

Understanding breast implant shapes is pivotal when considering breast augmentation surgery. Primarily, there are two shapes: round and teardrop (also known as anatomical implants).

Round implants are the most common and provide a uniform fullness to the breasts, often contributing to more pronounced upper pole fullness.

Teardrop implants, on the other hand, mimic the natural shape of breasts, with a sloped contour that fills out more at the bottom than at the top. They are designed to follow the natural silhouette of natural breast tissue, offering a subtle enhancement that many find desirable for a more “natural” look.

The choice between implant shapes often depends on the patient’s body type, aesthetic goals, and the amount of existing breast tissue. Moreover, breast implant surgery incorporates considerations of the breast pocket and chest wall to optimise the fit of the implant.

When considering implant types, both the physical characteristics of the patient and the desired outcome must guide the decision-making process.

Types of breast implant shapes

When it comes to breast augmentation surgery, the decision-making process is multi-faceted and critical for achieving your aesthetic goals. One of the most fundamental choices involves selecting the right breast implant shape. The two primary shapes are round and teardrop (otherwise known as anatomical), each providing distinctive attributes and benefits.

Teardrop (anatomical) implants

Teardrop or anatomical implants resemble the natural slope of the breast, providing a gradual transition from the more filled-out bottom to the subtly enhanced top.

These implants offer a solution for those aiming for a result that closely mirrors natural breast shape.

With teardrops, the bulk of the volume is down the lower half of the implant with a gentler taper at the top half.

  • This helps create a far more a more natural silhouette and upper pole fullness without appearing overly augmented.
  • Teardrops can also help with lifting sagging breasts. Dr Dona typically describe the teardrops like wedges, they get in and help lift the breasts and nipple up.
  • They are also ideal with those women that have a very tight lower breast and need more work to help create a fuller underboob.

These implants are also filled with the advanced cohesive silicone gel, such as in gummy bear implants, known for their firmer feel and ability to maintain form.

All implants vary in how wide they are, and the profile, or projection. However, in addition to these variables, anatomical implants also vary in height – with low, moderate and tall implants available. Therefore, anatomical implants are perfect for those whose breast base width is different to the breast height. This is often an issue for those with very constricted breast footprints and/or a short and tight underboob.

One issue with teardrop implants is that they can rotate, and if that occurs then the breasts will look different. For this reason, many surgeons do not use teardrop implants. As a general rule, the risk of this happening is well under 5%. To minimise the risk of rotation teardrop implants are textured. That means that the surface, or shell of the implant has a rough surface. Texturing essentially acts like Velcro and helps provide extra grip. Another benefit of texturing is that it can potentially reduce the risk of capsular contracture, a condition where the scar tissue around the implant tightens.

If an anatomical implant does rotate, and it doesn’t drop back into normal position or continues to rotate, then you will basically need surgery to adjust them and more often than not, change them for round implants which depending on a few things, will provide a different look.

Round implants

Round implants are circular and symmetrical and have the same shape all over. Moreover, as they are symmetrical in all directions the upper half of the implant will always have the same curved shape as the lower half.

Round implants are a popular choice for patients seeking a substantial change in breast appearance with pronounced fullness, particularly in the upper pole of the breast – an area that loses volume with age or after pregnancy.

Round implants also have similar variables to anatomical implants in that they vary in width and profile. However, unlike teardrop implants round implants don’t vary in height as they only come in a circular bases, not oval.

As a very general rule, round implants create a fuller upper pole look compared to teardrop.

However, the lower profile rounds typically provide a softer look and are generally suited for someone who has a nice breast shape but just wants a soft/natural enhancement.

The round full profile implant is for someone that wants more upper pole fullness and projection, and potentially is not too fussed if people can tell they have implants.

For those women that are chasing that very full fake round looking breasts, this can only be achieved with high or extra high profile round implants.

Also, rotation is not an issue in rounds because no matter what position they are in, they will look the same.

Of course, round implants do have some limitations:

  • In someone that’s breasts are a little droopy, rounds don’t tend to lift the breast tissue as well as teardrops do and can leave the breasts looking like the nipples are sitting too low and hanging from the implant.
  • Also, in women that have a naturally very tight underboob with minimal lower breast volume, then a round typically doesn’t work as well as teardrops in creating nice underboob with a well-balanced centred nipple.

Finally, it’s important to note that some surgeons only work with one style of implant – some work with only round, whilst others work only with teardrop, because that is what they are more comfortable with. So, if a surgeon is only offering round, and you are wanting a teardrop implant, then go to another surgeon.

Dr Dona has extensive experience in both Round and Anatomical implants and will determine the perfect implant size and shape for you, to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Material options for breast implants

When deciding on breast augmentation surgery, understanding the material options for breast implants is crucial. Manufacturers use primarily two types: Silicone and Saline implants. Each material offers distinct advantages and can affect the overall feel, appearance, and maintenance of the implants. The choice between these materials will significantly influence the final look and feel of the breast augmentation.

Silicone breast implants are made of a silicone outer shell filled with silicone gel, known for its ability to mimic natural breast tissue. Alternatively, Saline breast implants have a silicone outer shell too but are filled with sterile salt water after being placed in the breast pocket.

Silicone implants

Silicone implants are a popular choice for breast augmentation due to their resemblance to natural breast tissue in both look and feel. Silicone breast implants come pre-filled with a cohesive silicone gel that maintains its shape even if the implant shell breaks. Their composition offers a smoother and more natural flow, reducing the likelihood of rippling compared to their saline counterparts, which is particularly beneficial for patients with less native breast tissue or those seeking a more natural silhouette.

One remarkable evolution in the technology of Silicone implants is the introduction of the “gummy bear implant,” a type of silicone implant known for its highly cohesive gel that retains shape effectively, creating a firmer feel that still maintains a natural movement and contour.

In Australia, most surgeons use silicone gel implants due to the far superior aesthetic results achievable. Dr Dona only uses cohesive silicone gel implants.

Different silicone gel thickness/firmness

The thickness and firmness of the silicone gel used in implants have advanced, allowing for a range of consistencies that cater to varied aesthetic purposes and tactile preferences. The spectrum of silicone gel thickness can be categorized broadly into three types: soft, medium, and firm. Soft gel implants offer a softer more fluid feel. The firm gels, such as those found in gummy bear implants, maintain their shape even under pressure, which can contribute to a contoured and perky appearance, as well as a reduced risk of implant folding or rippling.

Saline implants

Saline implants, which are filled with sterile salt water, offer a unique set of benefits. One of the most significant advantages is that they are filled after insertion, allowing for a smaller incision during breast implant surgery. This method offers flexibility in implant sizes, as the volume of saline can be adjusted during the procedure, enabling a more customised fit to the breast pocket and chest wall.

According to Dr Dona, the aesthetic benefits of saline are inferior to those of modern-day silicone implants.

Factors influencing implant choices

When deciding on breast implant shapes, several important factors must be taken into account to ensure that the results meet the patient’s aesthetic goals and complement their natural anatomy. Factors influencing implant choices include:

  • Body Type: The width, height, and contours of an individual’s body will determine the most appropriate implant sizes and shapes. The goal is to achieve a balanced, proportional look that aligns with the patient’s physique.
  • Natural Breast Tissue: The amount of existing breast tissue plays a crucial role in selecting the right type of implant. More natural tissue may provide better coverage for the implant, affecting the final texture and shape.
  • Chest Wall: The chest wall’s structure, including the rib cage and underlying muscles, impacts the implant’s fit and appearance on the body.
  • Desired Outcome: Personal aesthetic goals, such as seeking a more natural shape or requiring upper pole fullness, determine choices in implant types and profiles.
  • Medical History: A patient’s medical background, including previous surgeries or susceptibility to certain conditions like capsular contracture, must be evaluated before deciding on an implant.
  • Lifestyle Considerations: An active lifestyle may influence the choice of implant durable enough to withstand physical strain without compromising aesthetic results.

A thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon ensures the selection of the most suitable implant type, shape, and size to achieve the desired look and feel.

Implant size

Choosing the right implant size is among the most significant decisions when planning breast augmentation surgery. Implant sizes are typically measured in cubic centimeters (cc) and can significantly affect the overall appearance of the breasts. Selection is influenced by various parameters, including:

  • Patient’s Frame: A small, medium, or large frame requires different sizing to maintain proportion.
  • Current Breast Size: The existing size provides a basis for determining how much augmentation is necessary to achieve the target size.
  • Desired Look: Whether aiming for a subtle enhancement or a dramatic change, the physical dimensions and thus volume of the implant is key.
  • Body Adjustments: Patients who have experienced weight changes, pregnancy, or a breast lift may have different size considerations.

It is imperative for patients to discuss their expectations and lifestyle with their surgeon to choose an implant that is suitable for their specific criteria.

Implant texture (smooth vs. Textured)

The surface of the breast implant is another critical factor in breast augmentations. Implants come in two primary textures: smooth and textured.

  • Smooth Implants:
    • Capsular Contracture Risk: Historically, have a higher rate of capsular contracture in subglandular placements but less so in submuscular.
  • Textured Implants:
    • Stability: The textured surface adheres to the breast tissue, reducing movement and the chance of implant repositioning – this is ideal for maintaining the position of anatomical or teardrop implants.
    • Capsular Contracture Risk: Textured implants have been associated with a reduced risk of capsular contracture.

To help stabilise the implant position, all teardrop implants are textured.

In contrast, the rotation of round implants does not impact on the aesthetic results, therefore round implants can be either smooth or textured.

It follows that if you only want a smooth implant, then you can only have a round implant.

ALCL – In recent times a rare form of cancer has been associated with some implant types – this has been referred to as ALCL and it was only associated with textured implants. It is essentially a cancer of the scar tissue capsule that forms around implants. Due to this, in late 2019 the TGA removed all the high risk textured implants from the Australian market. The textured implants with the least risk (published risk of less than 1 in 80,000) were considered safe to continue using.

Placement techniques (submuscular vs. Subglandular)

The placement of breast implants can be done either below the pectoral muscle (submuscular) or above it, directly behind the breast tissue (subglandular). The choice between these two techniques can have a significant impact on the outcome of breast augmentation surgery.

  • Submuscular placement (dual plane pockets):
    • Concealment: Offers more coverage of the implant, beneficial for patients with less natural breast tissue.
    • Appearance: May result in a more natural contour, particularly in the upper pole area.
    • Recovery: Can involve a longer and more painful recovery period.
    • Less potential risk of capsular contracture
    • Potentially a more stable implant position
  • Subglandular placement:
    • Recovery: Typically allows for an easier and faster recovery.
    • Cosmetic Outcomes: Provides a more pronounced and immediate aesthetic result, with more noticeable cleavage.
    • Risk of Rippling: More apparent implant edges or rippling, especially in thin patients.
    • Potentially increased risk of capsular contracture.
    • Potentially a less stable implant position – more likely for the implant pocket to stretch over time.

Surgeons consider factors such as anatomy, lifestyle, and desired results when recommending an implant placement technique.

For the vast majority of patients Dr Dona will perform a customised dual plane pocket to achieve the optimal short- and long-term results.

How to choose the right implant shape

When embarking on the journey of breast augmentation surgery, selecting the right breast implant shape is a definitive step towards meeting your aesthetic goals. The two primary shapes in focus are round and teardrop (anatomical). Numerous factors need to be considered when creating your unique surgical plan.

A full assessment by Dr Dona will consider numerous factors, including:

  • Your body shape
  • Your chest wall shape
  • Your breast base dimensions
  • Your existing breast shape
  • Your existing breast volume and consistency
  • Your breast envelope – skin and breast tissue quality and quantity
  • Your chest wall muscles
  • Your cleavage skin and type
  • Nipple position and distance from the lower breast fold
  • Existing breast and chest wall asymmetry
  • Your lifestyle, occupation and sporting activities
  • What look you are hoping to achieve
  • What look is realistically achievable given your anatomical issues

Only after a thorough assessment and discussion can the right implant shape, size and profile be determined.

Chest wall shape

The width of your chest wall is one of the key factors in determining what range of implants are potentially suitable. A woman with a broad chest will require an appropriately wider (and therefore larger) implant size for a balanced look, whereas a narrower chest will call for a smaller or narrower implant to prevent an “overflowing” appearance.

Another often-underestimated aspect, the shape of your chest wall, can significantly impact the choice of implant. The shape of the patient’s chest wall plays a critical role in determining the optimal breast implant shapes and implant sizes for achieving a natural look and meeting aesthetic goals. The chest wall, comprised of the ribs, muscles, and breast tissue, acts as the foundation upon which breast implants are placed within the breast pocket.

Identifying any chest wall irregularities, like pectus excavatum (a sunken sternum) or pectus carinatum (a protruding chest bone), is crucial. These conditions can affect how the implants sit on your body and may necessitate specific implant shapes or customisations.

During breast implant surgery, Dr Dona will tailor the breast pocket to accommodate the implant shape and address any chest wall nuances, ensuring the implant sits correctly and enhances your pre-existing contours. 

Aesthetic goals and personal preferences

Your envisioned outcome must guide the selection of breast implant shapes. If your objective is to achieve upper pole fullness and a rounded appearance, round implants are a go-to option. For a more discreet enhancement that mimics the slope and shape of natural breast tissue, anatomical implants are favoured.

Always communicate your aesthetic goals clearly with Dr Dona. He will consider your preferences along with his professional assessment to recommend breast implant shapes that will help you to achieve your desired look while minimising the risk of complications.

It should be noted that a successful breast augmentation surgery is not solely about size or shape – it’s about the harmony between your body’s natural anatomy and the enhancements you seek.

Considerations based on body type

When considering breast implant shapes for augmentation surgery, one should pay close attention to body type as it significantly influences the aesthetic outcome. The width of the chest wall, the amount of natural breast tissue, the shape of the natural breast tissue, and overall body proportions are pivotal factors. Each of the following breast types warrant special consideration in the surgical planning:

  • Slender Body Types
  • Athletic Body Types
  • Curvy Body Types

Each body type presents unique attributes that needs to be factored into the planning of your surgery to ensure you have the best chance of achieving your aesthetic result.

Your consultation with Dr Dona Plastic Surgeon

Meeting with a specialist plastic surgeon Dr Dona for a breast augmentation consultation is a crucial step in achieving your desired aesthetic goals. This session allows Dr Dona to evaluate your natural breast tissue, chest wall, and overall body shape to recommend the best type of breast implant for you. Whether you are considering Round Implants or Anatomical Implants, a professional consultation ensures that your choices align with your body type and preferences.

During this consultation, Dr Dona will discuss the different breast implant shapes available and the pros and cons of each specific to your personal preferences and assessment. Understanding the characteristics of each type can help you make an informed decision, ensuring that the end result complements your natural contours while respecting your aesthetic aspirations. A consultation is essential to tailor the breast augmentation surgery to your unique anatomical features, leading to satisfying and realistic outcomes. 

Debunking common myths about implant shapes

When considering breast augmentation surgery, understanding the truth about implant shapes is crucial for achieving your desired aesthetic goals.

Many believe round implants always look artificial, but when placed correctly, such as under the muscle or with a lower profile, they can mimic natural breast tissue effectively.

The myth that teardrop implants, also known as anatomical implants, are always superior for a natural shape is misleading; the best choice depends on your body type and personal preferences.

  • Round Implants can often look very natural.
  • Anatomical Implants can sometimes look “round”.

Only a detailed assessment with Dr Dona will determine which implant shape and size will help you achieve your desired look.

Both round and teardrop breast implants can shift slightly after surgery. Although teardrop implants may be more prone to noticeable rotation due to their specific shape, round implants are not immune to movement either.

It’s also important to understand that round implants do not automatically provide a breast lift. The results depend significantly on factors like natural breast characteristics and how the implant size corresponds with the breast envelope and chest wall. In fact, round implants can often make a breast that is slightly ptotic (saggy) look worse!

Anatomical implants do not make a breast that has sagged look saggier. Anatomical implants are often the best choice for those women with some breast sag as they help “lift” the natural breast tissue and provide a more balanced enhanced result.

Consultation with specialist plastic surgeon Dr Dona is key to determining the right type of breast implant for your body shape and aesthetic vision.

Size and profile impact on results

Understanding the size and profile of breast implants is crucial in achieving desired results from breast augmentation surgery. The size, often measured in cubic centimeters (cc), determines the volume of the implant, while the profile refers to how far the implant projects from the chest wall. These factors significantly influence the final appearance, matching the natural breast tissue and contributing to the final shape.

Choosing the right combination of implant shape, size and profile depends on multiple considerations, including body type, body shape, and aesthetic goals. For those desiring more noticeable upper breast fullness, a high-profile implant might be ideal. Conversely, a moderate or low-profile implant can provide a subtler enhancement, aligning closely with natural breasts.

Ultimately, the impact of shape, size and profile can dictate the harmony of the implant with existing anatomy, ensuring the chosen type of breast implant aligns with personal expectations and lifestyle.

Conclusion: making informed decisions for Breast Augmentation

In conclusion, making informed decisions about breast augmentation surgery is crucial for achieving your aesthetic goals. Understanding the different implant shapes, Rounds and Teardrops, is one of the key issues in helping you make informed decision about what is right for you.

Each type offers distinct advantages depending on your body type and desired outcome. For instance, Round Implants often provide greater upper breast fullness, while Teardrop Breast Implants aim for a natural shape.

Consulting with a specialist plastic surgeon Dr Dona will help you choose the best type of breast implant for your unique body shape and preferences. He will evaluate factors like your natural breast tissue, chest wall, and overall body shape to determine the appropriate breast implant and technique for your needs.

Engaging in detailed discussions during your consultations ensures that realistic aesthetic goals are set, and that each surgical and implant choice will help you to achieve those goals.

Dr Eddy Dona

Dr Eddy Dona

Dr Eddy Dona (FRACS) is a Specialist Plastic Surgeons in Sydney, and a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Following his medical degree at the University of Sydney in 1996, Dr Dona then began a further 11 years of intensive training to become a Specialist Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon. Since starting private practice in 2007, Dr Dona has had patients from all over Australia seeking his expertise and specialist management. Dr Dona’s practice has grown and become heavily focused on breast and body reconstructive procedures, especially after massive weight loss including post-pregnancy. Despite running a busy private practice, Dr Dona spent the first 15 years of his specialist practice dedicating part of his time to one of Sydney’s largest teaching public hospitals, including training future plastic surgeons. This was where Dr Dona was often required to reconstruct the bodies of those affected by trauma and cancer.

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