Eyelids Blepharoplasty Sydney

The eyes are key elements in facial expression, and they are often the first feature of the face to show signs of aging.

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is the removal of excess skin, muscle or fat from the upper and lower eyelids while retaining the natural shape of the eye.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 2024, Dr Dona will not be offering lower eyelid surgery to any new patients. He will offer upper eyelid surgery to those patients who are deemed medically suitable to have it done. After 17 years of specialist private practice, Dr Dona has decided to continue to dedicate the limited time that exists per week to offer his specialist services to patients needing BREAST or BODY CONTOURING SURGICAL treatments.

Request a Consultation with Dr Dona

Dr Eddy Dona has been a specialist plastic surgeon since 2007, and is a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. From your first clinic visit, and throughout your surgical journey, Dr Dona and his team will be there to make it as smooth as possible.
Get in touch with our clinic to request a consultation with Dr Eddy Dona

Request a Consultation



Your first visit to Dr Eddy Dona will allow you to discuss any questions you have regarding Blepharoplasty. Dr Dona will assess and advise you on your options taking into consideration your expectations and reasons for wanting the procedure.


Do not take any blood thinning medications such as; aspirin or any medicine containing aspirin, large amounts of vitamins or anti inflammatory drugs.

You should cease smoking for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery, as it increases surgical and anesthetic risks and can lead to serious complications.

Your complete medical history should be made aware to Dr Eddy Dona, fully disclosing all health problems. All relevant details should be disclosed when you fill out your “Patient Registration Form” and during your initial consultation.

Upper Eyelid Reduction (Upper Blepharoplasty)

The incision is made in the natural crease line, which is usually 8mm to 12 mm above the eyelash line. Excess skin and fat pads are removed. The scar sits in a natural crease and once fully healed is practically invisible when your eyes are open.

This surgery is performed under general anaesthetic in a private hospital.


The discomfort is usually mild and limited to the incisions. Some bruising and swelling is to be expected in the area and usually subsides in three to four weeks. Sleeping with your head elevated will reduce swelling.

Any stitches or dressings that are used will typically be removed after 1 week during your first follow-up appointment.

Pain relief will be prescribed if required. You are not permitted to drive while you are taking prescription pain relief or sedatives.

You can resume normal light everyday activities a few days after surgery but do not smoke or consume a lot of alcohol during healing.

You can return to normal heavy physical activity and training after four weeks.

It is advised to take between two and three weeks off work. Healing is usually complete within a few months.

You may need to clean your eyes as they sometimes get crusty and itchy. Lubricating eye drops may be used. Your eyes may also be sensitive to light for a few days. You may wear sunglasses, use sunblock and wear a hat to protect your face when outside.

Make up may be worn after about 10 days.

There may be some temporary changes in vision that usually resolve quickly. Contact lenses cannot be worn for at least two weeks.


More information on general potential complications can be found on our site. LEARN MORE 

Whenever someone is having an anaesthetic, no matter what it’s for, then things can potentially go wrong. That is why no surgery should be considered “minor”. Of course, whilst the chances of the following potential problems occurring are extremely small, you still need to know about them:

  • Anaesthetic issues – which can affect heart, lungs or cause strokes
  • Allergic reactions – This can be very mild to life threatening.
  • Clots
    • Superficial vein clots, which is a complication of the cannula or drip that’s placed in your vein
    • Deep vein clots – these can potentially spread to the lung and be life threatening. We do several things during surgery and after surgery whilst you’re in hospital to minimise the risk of you developing these.
  • Wound problems – such as infection and breakdown
  • Bleeding – early or late
  • Death – whilst the chances of this is exceeding rare, any of the previous issues can result in this devastating complication.

All these potential problems are standard for any operation, although some operations and some patients have an increased risk of developing them.

Specific complications include, but are not limited to:

  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Skin pigmentation, usually present before surgery may become more prominent following surgery
  • Injury to cornea
  • Asymmetry of the eyelids
  • Itchiness, watering or dryness of the eyes
  • Changes in vision
  • Blindness – rarely, the risk is considered to be about one eye in every 40,000 procedures. Smoking, pre-existing eye disease, straining, lifting and coughing add to this risk.


Insurance plans and medicare will cover eye lift surgery if your vision is obstructed and it is functionally disturbing. There are specific criteria before the procedure will be approved by medicare. Speak to Dr Dona about whether you may qualify to have some of your surgical costs covered by your health fund.


Dark circles under and around the eyes, ‘crow’s feet’ or ptotic (droopy) eye brows will not be removed through eye lift surgery.


Find out more


Learn more about our procedures or schedule a one-on-one consultation at our Sydney clinic

Call us 1300 DR DONA (1300 37 3662)

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